Category: tech

  • Handy Linux Shortcuts

    Copy files with tar, this preserves time/date stamps and permissions nicely. tar cf – * | ( cd /target; tar xfp -) Backup and a restore a mySql database: mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > FILE.sql mysql -u username -ppassword database_name < FILE.sql Or, perhaps you want to move a bunch of mysql databases from…

  • Run Synergy Automatically during login on a Mac

    Synergy is a great program that let’s you share one keyboard and mouse across multiple computers. I’m using it to connect a mac to a PC. I wanted the synergy server to be running on my mac automatically every time I login. This feature is a button-click in the gui version on the PC but…

  • Click to play movie in keynote

    I’ve been very happy with my transition from Powerpoint to Keynote…particularly when dealing with lots of movies in a presentation. One feature I was suprised to find missing in keynote is a “click to play” option on an imbedded movie. For some reason, keynote doesn’t have that option built-in. I found a decent workaround:

  • vi gem

    I’ve been using “vi” (a popular unix text editor) for about 15 years. Today I learned something important. Vi has bookmarks that can be used for doing stuff with blocks of text easily.

  • Markdown Extra Improvement

    I’ve been using Markdown Extra for formatting posts and pages for a new site I’m working on. Since I want the back-end editing to be as simple as possible, I wanted to remove the “two spaces at the end of the line” requirement when the user simply wants to insert a line break. The change…

  • History in all it’s 640×480 glory…

    Google has announced today on their official blog that they are starting a pilot program to digitize the National Archives’ video content. They posted a few example links including the first Apollo Moon landing. I was impressed to see that the quality of the footage was better than most of the other videos I have…

  • 2 Picasa2 Tips

    Tip 1: Hover over any thumbnail and hit Ctrl-Alt. It will instantly fill the screen with the high resolution image. Tip 2: Hit Ctrl-L and your web browser will pop up connected to a web version of Picasa2. You’ll get some funny looking URL like this: http://localhost:1606/2325d8afb4426bbca5ba8cf7afbb20db/ You can easily browse the images and do…

  • Clean up URL’s with .htaccess

    Many websites work with either “” or “”. Google doesn’t like that since it looks like two sites–sometimes they might penalize you for it. From their guidelines page: Don’t create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content. Here’s an excerpt from my .htaccess file that rewrites the URLs without the “www.” to include…

  • Convert a 3d point to 2d Screen Space in Maya

    Very often you want to find the 2d coordinates on the screen for a given 3d point. Here’s a little mel script that knows the projection math and takes care of generating the data in a “raw channel text file” format. From here, it’s easy to generate just about any ascii file format that a…