How fast is litespeed?

As is my hobby on some weekends, I've been tuning my web server for greater performance. While last time I used Apache and PHP5-FPM to get extra performance in a small footprint, today I'm trying openlitespeed. So far, I like it.

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Digitizing Bad VHS Tapes

If you're digitizing VHS and MiniDV tapes with bad timecode and control track, the OSX app you want is Vidi. Wonderful. And then you want to use GIF Brewery 3…

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Touring Plans Redesign

I’m a big fan of Touring Plans. It’s a mobile application that gives advice on how to miss most of the lines. We’ve used it regularly at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World as a family and it’s works really well.

They are taking a new pass at the design for their app. They posted a work-in-progress of the new proposed layout which inspired me to take my own design pass tonight.


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PHP7.0 and Apache Event MPM

I’m running Ubuntu 16.04 along with PHP7.0 and was running into this error when trying to use Apache Event MPM:

Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP.


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Trials on Tatooine

This week ILMxLAB did the first public play test of Trials on Tatooine at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Trails on Tatooine is a first-person story-based virtual reality experiment…

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iPhone Alarm Without Buzzing

If you want an iPhone alarm that wakes you up, but does not try to shock you to consciousness with obnoxious vibrations, as of iOS 9 it’s now finally possible. (more…)

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High performance WordPress in 512MB

I’ve been experimenting with migrating from a 2 gig VPS server to a much smaller 512MB server for hosting this blog and a dozen or so other small sites. I have had great experiences with Linode over the years, but wanted to try Digital Ocean as they have the small inexpensive servers which seem perfect for hosting personal sites like this (those links are referral codes; if you use them I get a small credit on my hosting, thanks).

Initially, just setting up an Ubuntu server with standard LAMP configuration on Digital Ocean runs as expected and WordPress is simple to install. The only trick is, when you’re done with the default configuration, you have a server that will run out of memory when faced with anything but a few simultaneous users. And it’s slow. So let’s see if we can fix this.


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