Oscars 3

Academy Award for OpenColorIO

Academy Award for OpenColorIO

At this year’s Academy Scientific And Technical Achievement Awards show, OpenColorIO was among 19 other winners. If you haven’t heard of OpenColorIO, it’s a color management framework that makes managing color for cinema and video much more …

Academy Award for Katana

Academy Award for Katana

This weekend the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awarded Steve LaVietes, Jeremy Selen and Brian Hall an Academy Award for their work on Imagework’s Katana. Not surprisingly, it was a fantastic night. [ ] Even the drive to the Beverly …

Cloudy and The Oscars

Cloudy and The Oscars

We got this awesome email from Chris and Phil this week. It really captures the spirit of working with them: To our incredible crew of geniuses: We made a really ridiculous movie together. We were able to get away with so much gorgeous, glorious, …