Academy Award for OpenColorIO

At this year’s Academy Scientific And Technical Achievement Awards show, OpenColorIO was among 19 other winners. If you haven’t heard of OpenColorIO, it’s a color management framework that makes managing color for cinema and video much more straightforward for engineers and artists alike. It’s been adopted by most of the major 2d and 3d applications for our business and has been a bit of a game-changer in terms of simplifying color workflows around the world.

My biggest contribution was helping to get the “Open” part of OpenColorIO off the ground at Sony Imageworks. Jeremy Selen is the designer of the platform and had been supporting it for a long time internally at Sony for our teams. We together saw the value in providing OpenColorIO to the community as a free, open source project and have been working to refine it and encourage its adoption since then.

Another great night at the Academy.

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